Saturday, March 8, 2014

WTF - LG G Flex Weird Ad

LG G Flex mobile phone
If you haven't seen it, that's the LG G Flex, a curved shaped phone that has self healing properties. I think the phone itself is pretty good to attract people to buy it but if I had seen their below, I'm not too sure if I would still be interested. You need to watch it to the end.

I don't know about you but after watching that ad, if I went out to get that phone now, I'd feel like a total weirdo! If I were LG, I'd think twice of getting the same ad company that came up with this. But regardless, I'm sure the ad would still get publicity but probably not the right kind.

Just a little trip down memory lane, remember this phone?

Nokia 8110 mobile phone
Nokia 'Banana" 8110
Most of us would remember that as the Nokia Banana phone, it's the Nokia 8110. It was also probably the the first product placement in a major movie, which was The Matrix. I had a chance to use this phone for a while, and it was pretty decent cellphone. My favorite thing to do with this phone was to play around with the "semi automatic" cover which was also it's Achilles heel. But like most Nokia phones back then, this phone was surprisingly durable.


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