Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rant: What the hell did I just read?

I was going to write about some of the tech news that I think will have a huge impact on peoples lives but after reading an article via a Facebook post I was so pissed off and annoyed that I just couldn't continue on doing the research articles on the tech news.

The 1st post I saw was this:

It wasn't much as the you'd need to subscribe to view the full article so I decided to do a Google search for the name of the person mentioned, and I found this:
In the article the Deputy Home Minister of Malaysia during a session in Parliament had tried to explain why statistics in statutory rape had show most victims were Malays. Quoting directly from the news article, this was what the minister said
“This means most Malays are sensitive to this kind of offence on teenage girls,” he said. “That’s why they lodge police reports. “Non-Malays are probably less sensitive towards this. Probably they can accept it; so there are not much reports from them.” - See more at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2014/03/18/malays-more-offended-by-rape-dewan-told/#sthash.gEmJ4C5Y.dpuf
*for some weird reason, the link seems to be down, but you can still read the cache copy.

The more I read the article, the more annoyed and irritated I became. Every word in the article just felt like I was being pierced with a branding iron, you know those iron metal brands to mark on sheep's and live stock.
Very Graphic, viewer discretion is advised. Cattle Branding

Why am I annoyed? Why am I irritated? Well, to start I am what the minister and possibly all the ruling political party leaders brand as non-Malay. I was born in Malaysia, my parents were also born in Malaysia and I have a Chinese lineage. So I am a non-Malay Malaysian. I belong to the minority group of people who are Malaysians who do not belong to the Malay lineage. So am I angry, frustrated and annoyed because of this? Well yes and no.

Yes, because I've just read a statement from a government minister of Malaysia, that because I'm a non-Malay, I'm less sensitive and probably can accept rape crimes. It's also like saying because I'm a non-Malay I'm more inclined to commit crimes and I'm culturally inclined to commit crimes like rape. As a normal human being, taking away all the boundaries that separates every human being, language, race and etc, would you be annoyed and irritated by such a statement?

No, because I feel sad. I feel sad for this minister that made this statement. I feel sad that he cannot differentiate the good and bad actions of human beings and instead chose to differentiate and opined those that are culturally distinctive are just bad, and not able to pass on good values to their young.  I also feel sorry for this minister because he was probably brought up in a situation that made him what he is today.

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