Wednesday, March 5, 2014

1st Time Again - "Hello World"

My first blog! again?! When I think about it, it took me probably more than 20 years to come to this point where I finally "blog" on the Internet. I still remember back when I was using an Intel i386 (or was it i486) computer which probably had a 14.4k internal dial-up modem, then upgrading it to a USRobotics 56k Sportster modem.
US Robotics 56K Modem in BFMK Blog
US Robotics 56K Modem

Can you imagine dialing-up to connect to the Internet? I could recall how these modems would sound when trying to connect to the ISP and it was quite noisy using these modems, and yet something memorable, well at least to me anyway.

I've tried to blog before, years ago, and the term "blog" wasn't even invented yet then. This was probably the time when everyone who was on the Internet had a "Homepage" or "Webpage". This was a time when Yahoo! and Geocities (there was another webpage provider back then, but I can't remember it now) were giants in the Net. I didn't have much on the webpage I created back then, it was just something everyone on the Net was doing, creating their own web presence on the Net. I was spending more time on IRC and later "Friendster" than updating my webpage.

I hope this time I'll be able to persevere and continue "blogging". I think like many people, many things are of interest to me, these could be like food, travelling, technology, sports and etc. Here, I'll probably be "blogging" more about technology, food, photos and the occasional travelling. 

The other reason why I would like to start blogging is to create some sort of a personal/public journal for myself, a recollection of me on the Internet. It's just another way of saying I'm getting old and forgetful so I'll just start blogging.

So, "Hello World".

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