Monday, March 10, 2014

My Blog Journey: Intro


Today would mark the 1st week of my blogging experience and it's been quite an interesting week. There were quite a few things that I had to learn and struggle with to set up this blog and it's still a big learning process for me, even now. 

They were many of times over the course of setting up this blog, I had to search and go through many places for solutions to some problems that I encountered like why my post were not showing proper thumbnails in Facebook, or how do I get Google to index my site and how do I do a show/hide spoiler paragraph text. In here, "My Blog Journey" I hope to document the those things that I've learned while blogging and hopefully what I put here can help those who are starting their own blogs or those who are just looking for solutions that they might need in their blogs. 

Just to be clear, I am not an expert blogger or computer programmer, I do have the basic knowledge of computer programming (basic). So things like C/C++, Java, HTML, CSS, PHP and a few more other programming language acronyms are not new to me, but I still prefer "English". So please forgive me if I put out a solution that did not work for you (hopefully it wont screw up your blog too badly) after you tried it. If you ask me for help, I'll try to help you if it's something I can do for you.
confused about blogging and HTML

Reminder & Disclaimer

Before you try to apply some solutions, especially those that involve coding, mostly HTML, I would advise you to get a basic understanding of how it works. I would recommend They have got a good site to learn up on many web programming languages like HTML and you can even try out the solutions there sometimes.

The next thing you need to do before applying any code changes, always remember do a backup before you make changes. It will save you a lot of time so that you don't redo your site (I hope it wont come to that).

In many instances, there will be multiple solutions for a problem, if the solution that I provide you here doesn't work, there should be another way and you'll need search another place. In here, I'll usually try to apply the easiest to understand and use.

Lastly, I will not be held responsible if the solution I provided here messes up your code and site, try at your own risk.

Happy Blogging!

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