Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Good Example Of How NOT To Ask A Question

This video has been circulating around for quite some time now. It features the former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew in a dialogue session during 7th anniversary of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. In this particular clip, a Filipino student had prepared a question for the former Prime Minister. If you haven't seen it, click on the video to watch, and listen carefully to what the student was trying to ask.

Did you do a face palm? Well judging from the many comments in Youtube and in other blogs, you wouldn't be the first. There were many comments by Filipinos stating their displeasure with the way the student conducted himself in that dialogue session. Poor guy! I hope he learnt his lesson.

Now, this particular incident had reminded me of my work experience here in the Philippines, or more specifically experience working with Filipinos. One of the thing that always bugged me was, every time I was approached by my Filipino colleagues and staff, they would start with with "Hi Sir, can i ask you a question?" and I would jokingly reply "No", "You only get one question!" or "You already did". 

The same question would always pop up, even after I had told them to just get straight to the point. You may think it's polite, but being in a working environment, you should stop wasting time and be straight to the point.

This isn't as bad compared to the student asking the former Prime Minister but it's just one of those little things that needs to be reminded of.

Get Real Post - Filipino student shut down and dismissed by Lee Kuan Yew for asking irrelevant question

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