Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Google Hot Search - Introduction Malaysia Airlines, Raja Bomoh, Balotelli, All England and gonorrhea

March 11, 2014 Snapshot of Google Hot Search for Malaysia and the Philippines
Google Hot Search March 11, 2014, Malaysia and the Philippines

What is Google Hot Search

Have you ever wondered what's the latest trends in Google Search are? Have you heard of Google Project Zeitgeist? Well, Google Zeitgeist is a cumulative snapshot of search queries people make in Google over a time period. Project Zeitgeist closed on May 22, 2007 and was replaced by Google Trends. Google Trends is basically a web search statistic tool for the search data that massive search giant company. Of the interesting information that you might find interesting here is the Hot Search. It's basically a "Top 100" of the Google Search and you view it by country.

From time to time, I'll talk about the interesting "Hot Search" topics mainly for Malaysia and the Philippines. If you like what you see or probably have any suggestions on improvements, do drop me a message or comment.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Plot Thickens: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Missing

Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 MH370 Where is 239
Where is MH370?
I'm sure many of us have been following the news about MH370 since yesterday. This is incident, as it is unfolding now, is probably something all of us wouldn't want to be tuning in to during the weekends, we'd rather be doing other things right now. Sad as it may seem, it is human nature that we do tune in this story, be it curiosity or because we care. Though it's been more than 36 hours that MH370 has been missing, I still hope and pray for those on board MH370.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

News - MAS Flight MH370 KL-Beijing Lost Contact

Malaysia Airlies Logo in bfmk.blogspot.com

Malaysia Airlines had confirmed that flight MH370 had lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control at 2:40am today. The plane departed from Kuala Lumpur at 12:41am and was scheduled to land at Beijing International Airport at 6:30am.

The flight was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew,  comprised of 14 nationalities, 2 of them infants. More than half of 227 passengers were Chinese nationals.

The last update from from MAS at 7:30am, had confirmed that the Search and Rescue Team had been activated. Updates directly from MAS can be found here, MAS Flight MH370 updates page.

Now I can't remember the last time I heard or saw any news about major air disaster involving larger plane in Malaysia or specifically Malaysia Airlines but doing a quick search online yielded results such as the MH684 crash in 1983 and MH653 crash, that was hijacked. With the current MH370 incident, this could probably be the first air disaster for MAS involving a Wide-body aircraft.

Let's pray that everyone on MH370 are safe and will be found.

MAS - MH370 Update Page
BBC - MH370