Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Happy Birthday!

I guess now would be a good time to update this blog. In about 30 minutes, I will be 34 years old. So why am I here updating this blog and not out celebrating? It's kinda sad actually. Well without going into much details, currently I'm out of work and to top it of, I'm also away from my family. Actually other than that, all my buddies are all out of town now. I'll probably get some birthday wishes from friends through Facebook and that would be probably be the highlight of my birthday this year, which sounds really sad and pathetic.

The only thing I wish right now, I hope I will be able to celebrate my little girls 1st birthday which is on the 4th next month. Circumstances have really made it difficult for me to be together with family right now. I can only hope it will turn for the better soon.

Well, if you are reading this, I wish you won't have to go through what I'm going through now, and have a wonderful birthday. Happy Birthday in advance!

Oh! by the way, this would probably be a better highlight for my birthday!

PS: I hope my wife won't kill me for this!

Monday, April 21, 2014

WTF! So this is Human Rights?

Look at the picture, the part that is highlighted is titled "Perjuangan HAK ASASI MANUSIA, Antara Agama Tanpa Kebebasan dan Kebebasan Tanpa Agama". The translation in English is "The Fight for HUMAN RIGHTS between Religion without freedom and freedom without religion". Now read the article here article

So what's the point? OK, so I'm a Malaysian with Chinese heritage, a Malaysian Chinese. If according to the article is true then I'm a product of a “cunning and evil” conspiracy. Isn't that just great?

So your fighting for your own human rights, that's all good, but when you put a banner there that says fighting for human rights and come out saying your own racial rights, where's the human in that? Are the rest of us not humans or lesser human beings?

A Beautiful rendition of "Fields of Gold"

Saw and heard this song and thought it was really beautiful rendition of Stings "Fields of Gold".

Sunday, April 6, 2014

WTF - 9 Month Old Boy Accused of Murder?

9 Year Old Boy Accused of Murder in Pakistan
9 Year Old Boy Accused of Murder
I thought it was some sort of "Chucky" nightmare killer but does that look like a face of murderer to you? I don't think so. There is just something very wrong with the police and judicial system there in Pakistan. Apparently the boy was even fingerprinted and even went to court. He is even expected to return to court on a later date, and I'm guessing so that the charges to be dropped. Totally absurd!

Another thing I just want to point is, isn't there some sort of protection for minors for their pictures not to be shown to public? (of course I'm guilty of showing it here in my blog) The coverage of the news probably just got too big I guess.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Someone Should Get This Guy a Free iPhone

iPhone 5

What would you do if you had found a phone on the street? Not just any phone but a smart phone like say an iPhone. For the person who'd lost the phone, chances are slim you'd get it back. I've had the unfortunate luck to have lost my phones, once in a DJ concert (in Manila) and a month later after getting a replacement, lost the phone in a night club (in Malaysia). To me Jenny Roberts Dodge is one very lucky lady. She lost her iPhone and managed get it back. Not only did she get her phone back, but she also found some surprising videos of the guy who found her phone that had dropped it off at the bar where Jenny would eventually track her phone to.

Watch the video of the guy here