Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Happy Birthday!

I guess now would be a good time to update this blog. In about 30 minutes, I will be 34 years old. So why am I here updating this blog and not out celebrating? It's kinda sad actually. Well without going into much details, currently I'm out of work and to top it of, I'm also away from my family. Actually other than that, all my buddies are all out of town now. I'll probably get some birthday wishes from friends through Facebook and that would be probably be the highlight of my birthday this year, which sounds really sad and pathetic.

The only thing I wish right now, I hope I will be able to celebrate my little girls 1st birthday which is on the 4th next month. Circumstances have really made it difficult for me to be together with family right now. I can only hope it will turn for the better soon.

Well, if you are reading this, I wish you won't have to go through what I'm going through now, and have a wonderful birthday. Happy Birthday in advance!

Oh! by the way, this would probably be a better highlight for my birthday!

PS: I hope my wife won't kill me for this!